Nobody touch my clutter! lol I collect stuff - old books, stuff from my childhood, some old synths, thousands of View Master reels and old stereoscopic pictures. My stuff is generally old and comforts and shields me from the modern world, which I find I withdraw from more and more; people, noise, the news, general gloom and doom.

But importantly, what suits one doesn't suit another, so no doubt this advice will suit some people. :)

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I recently cleared my desk and immediately found I could think better. I'm a terrible hoarder but recently I've been getting did of books +charity shops): what a wrench! Recently we had to clear my in-laws' house. It was like Mary poppins bag: every time we thought we'd emptied a cupboard or a room, more stuff materialised. Seventy year's worth of stuff, including balls of string, runs of screws etc etc. But decluttering takes too much willpower!

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The distinction between clutter and mess is really interesting/insightful!

P.S It's great to connect. I just followed you on Twitter :)

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